Reconsideration of Council Decision: Responsible Alcohol Consumption in Public Spaces
On June 2, 2020 Council considered three resolutions to relax alcohol regulations in the context of the city’s COVID19 recovery:
1. Unlicensed limited service food establishments
2. Parks and beaches
3. Public spaces such as civic plazas
Resolutions to enable alcohol consumption in unlicensed limited food service establishments and to endorse Park board in allowing alcohol consumption in parks and beaches were adopted by Council;
Considerations were raised with respect to public health and safety, equity, consultation and timing of additional pilots in public spaces such as civic plazas;
Further public feedback has shown support for piloting alcohol consumption in public spaces in a measured that supports small businesses, social connectedness, equity and physical distancing during the pandemic.
Therefore be it resolved:
That Council urgently reconsider the decision of June 2, 2020, with respect to the motion co-sponsored by Councillors Fry and Wiebe to pilot responsible alcohol consumption in public spaces.