Priorities and Accomplishments
I can be trusted to lead with integrity and common sense. I listen, bring people together and focus on getting results. I work directly with residents and businesses who reach out to me looking for help. I will continue to focus on cutting red tape and transforming city services so residents and businesses can thrive and make Vancouver home.
I represent the diverse interests of Vancouverites on critical issues like housing and homelessness, affordability, safe and inclusive neighbourhoods, public spaces, core services and resilient infrastructure.
I am committed to fostering a culture of service excellence at city hall where we put serving people and outcomes first.
Enabling Housing Options and Improving Affordability
- Pushed for missing middle housing to add gentle density to our neighbourhoods so families can stay in Vancouver and newcomers can make Vancouver home.
- Led transformation of the permit system to expedite permits to build and renovate homes.
- Secured support for expanded youth housing options so that young people who age out of ministry care transition into secure and affordable housing.
- Approved a range of housing options and policies from affordable home ownership and rental to non-market and co-op housing.
- Built on my experience serving in the non-profit housing sector to advocate for co-op housing lease renewals, security for residents of False Creek South, reducing red tape to ease pressure on our housing system, a faster laneway home permit process, and more.
Standing for Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability
- Supported efforts to create a independent Auditor General, and was part of the selection committee to choose Vancouver’s first Auditor General to increase transparency, accountability and efficiency in the City’s programs and services.
- Pushed for increased planning and transparency around the annual budget process.
- Consistently opposed exorbitant property tax increases that do not prioritize core services.
- Brought forward measures to improve accountability and transparency of Council.
Supporting Small Business and the Local Economy
- Approved a 3 year tax shift from commercial to residential properties to support small businesses.
- Transformed the permit and license system to expedite both permits and business licenses.
- Advocated for split assessment to address the ongoing pressure of highest and best development on small businesses.
- Supported policy to enable walkable neighbourhoods including retail space in new buildings, activation of public spaces, pop-up kitchens and retail, outdoor patios and BIAs.
- Advocated for a Night Economy strategy.
Amplifying Safe and Inclusive Neighbourhoods
- Consistently supported front line public safety including police, fire and Vancouver Emergency Management Services to ensure we have safe and inclusive neighborhoods.
- Pushed for safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists through a public facing portal for street improvements like pedestrian crossings and a more efficient reporting system for light outages.
- Approved new park acquisitions and investments, more outdoor eating and entertainment spaces, and more pedestrian-friendly streets.
- Collaborated to address proliferation of graffiti by awarding grants to BIAs and calling for a new enforcement system.
- Led the charge for a new PNE amphitheater that will create jobs and a wide range of fun festivals and events when it opens in 2026.
Prioritizing Reliable Services and Resilient Infrastructure
- Pushed for improved city services in the areas of permit and license applications, resident queries and navigation for services.
- Supported climate mitigation measures including green buildings policy, natural climate solutions, regional solutions to congestion, accelerated sewer separation, shifts to more renewable energy resources, and local EV infrastructure.
- Supported and advocated for increased investment in pedestrian and cycling infrastructure including maintenance of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, lighting, and bridge upgrades like the Granville Street bridge.
- Consistently supported city services such as increased street cleaning and graffiti removal.
- Supported public transit expansion, including the Broadway Line to UBC.